Thursday 3 October 2013

Today in the Lab

Hello Rainbow Egg Heads,

  Welcome to the Lab. You have several jobs to do today.

1. First, log into your TypingWeb account (your username is your first name and the digits of our classroom, and we all have the same password, Shauna reminded you of it in class). You will work on there for 10 minutes.

2. Next, log on to your IXL account (you have your username and password on your password card). Work on either: Number Sense and Numeration, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication or Division, wherever you feel you need to spend time. You will work on there for 10 minutes.

3. Then, visit Edmodo and log in to your account (you have made up your own log in and password). Ensure that you have joined all these groups: Rainbow Egg Heads (wzc75u), Global Read Aloud 2013 Grade 5s and 6s (7tmn9x), Fifth Grade Out of My Mind GRA 2013 (ayj7vc), GRA13 - "Out of My Mind" (d9q4h2), and Out of My Mind - Pineville, NC and Ottawa, Canada (j9ibm9) . The codes to join these groups are posted here (but only temporarily!) If you need help with Edmodo, talk to Millie, Camden, Fiona, Hannah, Yaro, Hunty, Madi, Kaleigh, Miggy, Thomas, Mel or Pat, and they'll support you in the lab!

4. Finally, go onto the different groups about the GRA that you have joined. Read what is going on. Respond to at least one post, poll or assignment.

5. If you finish all this, continue to visit the Edmodo groups and add to the conversations or search the hashtag #GRA13 or #GRA13OOMM on Twitter.

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